I usually try not to post too many pictures of myself but this one was just so ridiculous and exaggerated that I had to share it. Seriously, look at my pose! I don't even think the board is off the ground...but for the record, I stuck it.
Monday, March 2, 2009
I knowit'stired for an Americantotalk about the "culture shock" whenreturningtoAmericafromwherever. Still, when I arrived in Penn Station in NewYorkat 5pm a week and a halfago, I mostdefinitelyhadit.
Some immediate observations from an American on America and Americans: -Americans are big. Notobese, notevennecessarily fat, justtall, thick. Grande. Super-sized. -Notonly are peoplebig, but soiseverything: thestreets, thestoplights, the taxis, theburritos. -Americans are ugly. Reallypeople, genes are better in Europe. I saw more blemishes on onesubway ride than six months in France. -The infrastructure (airports, trains, etc) is dated.
Nevertheless, itfeels kind of real, in a waythatthekiddie-poolof Western Europe doesnot.
I shredded the Marseille skatepark...when I played Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 in ninth grade.
In real-life, I just rolled around for about 4 minutes until some twelve-year old told me his brother was going to beat me up.
One of the things I love in Japan almost as much as I love the food is the
countryside. Japanese countryside can have it all - incredible hiking,