Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Me Not Being A Real Blogger Blogging

Hello friends and lovers. You're right in thinking this doesn't sound like Blizz, because it's NOT! I received a request to update my blog, and as I don't have one, I decided to borrow. Trespass. Usurp.

Okay. This is my first time. Here we go. This weekend we went to Toulouse. That's the fourth largest city in France, but it is quite quaint as a matter of fact. I had a really lovely time and didn't even cry once! Here is some documentation.

This is me on the train. I am so excited! The French villages were so picturesque it was like someone built them 500 years ago just for me to marvel at from a train window. But then I fell asleep.

This is my first real French quiche, and NOT, as some of you might have thought, a regional skin condition.

These are two of Blake's colleagues, Ana from Germany and Crystal from Trinidad. We found them at the train station and then they left us in the rain.

Here are some bomb-ass chickens roasting away at the Sunday marche the next day. Here's what happened: we bought a whole one of those suckers, took him to the park, and ate him with our fingers!

One of these gargoyles is an impostor. Can you find it?

A bridge.

Blake trying to make a new friend.

Okay, looks like my time's up. Seems that I'll have to restrict my contributions to the sidelines from now on. It was fun while it lasted. Now comment so much so Blake will be jealous. A bientot.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I bought a ticket to Barcelona and spent my five-day weekend reliving the past. It was a homecoming of sorts, but inevitably these sorts of things end up being a bit anticlimactic.

But nonetheless, it was great to be back.
And catching up with old friends is important. Mr. Be Brave Benjamin Palmer and his lovely girlfriend Judith.

View from the train, returning (sadly) back to Pau.

more turkey please...

This street seemed to be the center of the "western" culture in Istanbul.

Laura , coveting.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Laura, turn around! It's right behind you!

Here's where you buy a fish sandwich.

Mini-airport. Miniaturk.

A terrorist pic-nic.

Black Sea.

Only legal in Amsterdam.

Check it-

  • One of the things I love in Japan almost as much as I love the food is the countryside. Japanese countryside can have it all - incredible hiking, volcanoes...